Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Adventure to Sempu Island and Bajul Mati Beach

 Start at 02.30 WIB from Unibraw's gate

 Arrived at Sendang Biru Beach

 mas Agilo have Tubeless his Motor

 Build a mini sand castle arround mas Agil

 Bajul Mati's Subuh

 The scenery

 I with mas Agil possed

 Mbak Ela take a picture with Agil's SLR

 The Big Wave

 Mas Indroo

 The Sun Rise

 Mas Basit

 Mbak Firda and Mbak Ela take a rest


 Mas Shidiq crushed a wave

 Go Home

Jumat, 18 Januari 2013

Trip at Jogjakarta #2

Parang Tritis Beach
That's me

They're my parents, (pengennnn...)
Cevin look so amazed with the scenery of the beach

the wave

The sun rissing behind hill. wonderfull

Bobbi and Cevin look so enjoy with the wave.

mom and Bobbi

to be continued